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Praying God’s Names- ADONAI part 2

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To AdonaiLord of Lords, King of Kings – Master

I give my heart to you. I give my will to you. My ego, my emotions my body, my wants and desires I give to you. You are my owner and I am your slave.

Ask anything of me and I will do it for You provide the means to complete the task. I trust in you.

Each day I will empty my heart to you that I may hear your voice and obey you.

I honor you. I give you reign over my life, my marriage, my home, my family. They belong to you and I only have them for awhile.

I pray you use me to do your will. Create in me a servant’s heart ready to do whatever needs doing. By doing, by serving others, I serve you.

I don’t want these ink marks on paper to be empty words; sounds in the air with no heart or meat. I truly desire to serve you – to do your will – to do the next task before me. You know the intentions of my heart. You know how deep or shallow my commitment to you runs; how easily I am distracted by the cares of the day.

So I ask you to forgive me for careless words and actions. Cleanse me & refresh me. Make me holy & righteous before you. Love me and care for me even when I am slow to understand, rebellious or stubborn.

Only you have a right to me. As a person, a wife, a mother or grandmother, I belong to you! You fight my battles for me! You give me victory! You care for me!

May these written words be the truth in my life.

Karen Guthrie November 1, 2008

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